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Superstitious are ya. SO AM I!! I will walk generally will give a wide berth to black cats, will not walk under a ladder (or scaffolding), throws spilt salt over a shoulder, spits 3 times to remove bad luck, steps on spiders to make it rain, AND I will never step on a crack to break your mamas back unless she really is a nasty person.

These are just a few of a very long list.

I found these graphics tucked away waiting to come out to play. I recently discovered these gems and I am really stoked to start using some of them in other projects!!

Wish me some Luck!!!

How many old graphic files will I find. How much have I forgotten about. Jeeesh. The things getting updated technology does to you. KonMari for computer - who'd of thunk it.

Anyway some new files for the folio.

Well... Well... Well... What do we have here? What a new section to the good ole portfolio? What could it be???

Its Fiber & I am not talking about a bran muffin.

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